How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Neem Tea


  1. liversagemarlene

    I am from South Africa and want to know if the Neem tree is same as Curry leaf tree?
    Please let me know when seed will be available, I think buying a plant, it will not get here in one piece.

    1. Curry leaf is actually a different species (Murraya koenigii or Bergera koenigii) from neem, which is Azadirachita indica. It’s illegal for us to grow curry leaf because it’s a vector for citrus greening, which is killing fruit trees in Florida. Horizon Herbs ( regularly but not always carries the seeds, so I’d check their site if you can’t find any seed locally.

  2. Focus on Nature

    I just discovered Neme, looking for a holistic way to treat an infection I currently have, called Invasive Aspergillus in the right lung. So far I’ve been on an antifungal medication, Voraconazole, which is long term, almost 4 months now, with no luck so far of killing it. I want to try something new and this may be my answer.

    I will let you know how it goes. I bought a good sampling of products to get started for different issues of mine and my husbands….also will try it on our hair, and his loss of it….I read its great for growing hair since I’m losing my hair from the meds they have me on. I’m so excited to try these…and believe me, you will hear back from me. I’ll put you on the news if I can get rid of my infection with Neme. Stay tuned! If you can recommend anything or a product i didn’t get that may help me, please advise.

    Thank you for GROWING! 🙂


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