Neem in the News: Alzheimer’s Disease


  1. ellen frogner

    Many years ago, my father-in-law started taking neem for diabetes. Although he had not been diagnosed with ALZ at the time, we knew he was getting there – lots of short term memory loss. After taking neem for a while, we noticed a significant return in his memory (as long as he “remembered” to take the neem! Not clinical results, but it happened.

    1. SOMATIE

      Hello , can you say how the neem worked for his diabetes,,?

      1. Vicki

        It worked so well that, combined with his Alzheimer’s, Medicare started sending a nurse to check on him. They thought he had overdone his insulin, which is why we say daily blood testing is so important.

  2. Vicki

    Actually the diabetes improved to such a degree that his nurses thought he had inadvertently increased his insulin so much that it became dangerous. That’s why we insist that people who are using neem test their blood at least daily.


    if this is acure for alz. its a god sent , as so many are suffering today. how much should one take

    1. Vicki

      There isn’t really any straight-forward rule because all the tests have been done in animals. I take two Six-Ways, one in the morning and one at night.

  4. Jane

    I started doing research on neem for my elderly mother who has dementia. I was getting desperate because she started exhibiting more agitation and it was pretty severe with her starting to get more physical and oppositional. I really didn’t want to give her the Ativan I was given. I knew I might have to eventually because it was getting more severe.

    So I thought I would give Neem (leaf powder capsule) a try. Oh my goodness! All the agitation disappeared overnight! She even started asking me questions- which never happens. There were a few times we missed the evening dose (I give it twice a day) and in the morning the behavior was unreal. This little herb feels like a miracle came into my life. She is so much calmer and happy. So that’s a very big deal. It’s not like the dementia has disappeared but she’s definitely more compliant and the agitation is non existent.

    1. Vicki

      That is awesome news Jane! I’m so glad it’s helping and thank you so much for taking such good care of your mother. Caring for someone you love with dementia has got to be one of the hardest jobs in the world.

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