Neem in the News: Inflammation


  1. ## Fascinating Insights into Neem’s Anti-inflammatory Power!

    This article from Neem Tree Farms delves into the fascinating world of neem and its potent anti-inflammatory properties. The journey you provide, highlighting how neem’s significance has evolved over time based on scientific research, is truly captivating.

    While the initial focus was primarily on wound healing, the growing body of evidence now reveals neem’s potential in mitigating chronic inflammatory conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer. It’s particularly interesting to learn about neem’s effectiveness in alleviating itching, a common yet often overlooked symptom of inflammation.

    The personal anecdote about your friend’s experience with chiggers and the subsequent relief he found through neem oil truly emphasizes the real-world impact of this natural remedy. It’s encouraging to see clinical trials around the world corroborating these anecdotal experiences, demonstrating neem’s efficacy in managing various inflammatory conditions.

    The comparisons to traditional medications like ibuprofen and the potential benefits for colon cancer prevention are particularly noteworthy. Additionally, the user testimonials offer valuable insights into the practical applications of neem oil for everyday skin concerns.

    Overall, this article provides a compelling overview of neem’s potential as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It effectively blends scientific evidence with personal anecdotes, making it both informative and engaging for readers.

    For those interested in learning more about neem powder and its diverse applications, I recommend checking out []This website offers valuable information on the various uses of neem powder, including its potential benefits for skin health, hair care, and internal cleansing.

    1. Cheryl Posada

      Since taking the shots for Covid I have had a problem with inflammatory cells in both eyes never had any problems with vision before this. The treatment plans included having chemo infusions every 3-4 months and taking oral chemo as well. It is literally destroying my immune system. Can you tell me how to use the neem (what form and how much). I would greatly appreciate any guidance you can offer.
      Many thanks Cheryl Posada

      1. Vicki

        Of course we don’t have FDA approval to sell any drug that treats serious illnesses, but neem is proven to be a powerful immune system booster as well as an anti-inflammatory agent. Unless you have a problem with capsules, I would recommend two Six-Way Capsules twice a day, in the morning and then right before bed for 30 days. That will maintain a high level in your bloodstream. You can cut back to one twice a day after 30 days, but that’s a recommendation based on the cost of the capsules not their impact to your health. I cut back after the worst of Covid was passed, and I lost some of the vision the capsules had restored, so I’m at three a day now and have been for several years. My cell is 813-689-2616 if you have additional questions.

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